Al Morton (TSC Chair)
Al Morton is a Lead Member of Technical Staff at AT&T Labs, Middletown, New Jersey. He has been a chairman and recognized contributor in US and International network performance standards committees for more than 25 years. He authored or co-authored more than 35 IETF RFCs, is a Technical Steering Committee member of the Open Platform for NFV, and is a committer on several Linux Foundation projects. He has worked at Bell Labs, the U.S. Army Satellite Communications Agency, and Computer Sciences Corporation. Al spends his spare time making and enjoying music with friends and family on the New Jersey Shore and Chicago, Illinois.

Alec Hothan
Alec Hothan is the PTL for the OPNFV NFVbench project. He is also a principal engineer at Cisco and is currently focusing on NFV performance measurement, tuning and monitoring. Prior to NFV, he has been working on switches and routers architecture and infrastructure services, performance engineering, optical networks management and monitoring, network protocol standards and development.

Emma Foley
Red Hat
Emma is a Senior Software Engineer at Red Hat working on metrics collection. She has been involved in OPNFV since 2016, when she started working on service assurance at Intel, enabling collectd stats and events to be used in OpenStack as well as maintaining testing, build and validation tools in Barometer. She is an active contributor and current PTL of Barometer. She has previously contributed to the Yardstick project, working on Network Services Benchmarking, and making improvements to documentation, usability and testing of the framework itself. She has been involved in the test working group, promoting the use of OPNFV test tools to a wider audience. In her spare time, she plays board games, crochets hats and conducts culinary experiments in her home in Ireland.

Frank Brockners
Frank Brockners is Distinguished Engineer in Cisco’s Chief Technology and Architecture Office, driving software and architecture development for software defined devices. Frank holds a diploma degree in Electrical Engineering (Aachen University) and a PhD/Dr degree in Information Science (University of Cologne).

Georg Kunz
Georg is a Senior Systems Designer at Ericsson, working mainly on SDN and NFV. He has been the PTL of the NetReady and Dovetail projects in OPNFV before joining the TSC. He is an active contributor to the OPNFV Verified Program and the OPNFV testing community. In previous roles, he worked intensively on designing and prototyping SDN solutions for 5G networks and Openstack based cloud platforms, particularly specializing in storage solutions. Before joining Ericsson, Georg was a researcher at RWTH Aachen University, working on parallel networking simulation tools and algorithms. Georg holds a Diploma and a PhD in Computer Science from RWTH Aachen University.

Jack Morgan
Jack is an accomplished Linux system engineer with hands-on experience in architecting, automating and optimizing critical infrastructure over large deployments. He is the Project Technical Lead for the Pharos project, member of the Infra Work Group, and leads the Weekly Technical Discuss meetings within OPNFV. He has been involved with OPNFV since November 2015, participated in the several release and presented OPNFV topics at many international Open Networking events.

Lincoln Lavoie
Lincoln Lavoie is a senior engineer and acts as an industry lead for the executive steering body at the University of New Hampshire InterOperability Laboratory (UNH-IOL). In this role, he is responsible for the technical management of the broadband access technology grounds, including NFV, WiFI, DSL, Gfast, GPON, and PoE. In addition to his duties with the UNH-IOL, Lincoln participates in many industry organizations, including the Broadband Forum (BBF) and OPNFV. Lincoln currently holds leadership / editor roles within the BBF and contributor / committer roles within OPNFV.
Most recently, Lincoln led the team responsible for the OPNFV LaaS project, launched with the OPNFV Fraser release in April 2018, providing open source developers access to hardware resources to support their projects. In 2017, Lincoln worked with the Broadband Forum to develop and launch the Gfast certification program, announcing 30+ device pairs certified in 2017. He is also responsible for help to develop the Open Broadband Labs program, supporting the BBF Cloud CO projects.

Mark Beierl (TSC Vice Chair)
Mark is a Staff Solution Architect in the Telco Innovation team. Mark has been involved with OPNFV since September 2015, when he started as the PTL of the StorPerf project. He has been involved in various working groups in OPNFV, particularly the Test Working Group. He is also passionate about the OPNFV Intern program and loves to see new students have the opportunity to both learn and participate in the community. Recently Mark has also become involved in the ETSI OSM project contributing to the Devops and Service Assurance teams. Mark lives in Ottawa, Canada with his wife and four of their five children. Prior to VMware, Mark worked for Dell EMC as a solutions architect, and Amdocs, formerly Bridgewater Systems, as an 3GPP HSS and PCRF developer.

Qiao Fu
China Mobile Research Institute
Qiao Fu is a project manager at China Mobile Research Institute. She obtained Her Masters degree from Dept. Electronic and Engineering at Tsinghua University in 2013. She joins the China Mobile after graduation and is working on the research of network technology. Qiao Fu is working on OPNFV community ever since its establishment. She is responsible for the China Mobile OPNFV Testlab and is also the project lead for the High Availability project currently.

Sridar Rao
Sridhar received his Ph.D degree in computer science from National University of Singapore, in 2007. Sridhar’s research interests are mainly in the domain of next-generation wired and wireless networking, and use of Machine-Learning in Networking. Sridhar is currently working as Architect SDN/NFV with Spirent Communications, India. He has been working on Software-Defined-Networks since its inception. He has worked on various opensource (ODL, ONOS, RYU, OVS etc.) and commercial SDN controllers and switching-platforms. He is certified in Next-generation Datacenter Networking, Openstack, Docker containers, Kubernetes and Machine Learning (MLSS).

Sunku Ranganath
Sunku Ranganath is a Senior Network Software Engineer at Intel, working in Telemetry & Service Assurance domain. Sunku is an active contributor to Barometer project and founded Closed Loop Automation Working Group before joining TSC. He is active contributor to Collectd community and actively works on designing & prototyping many NFV solutions using OpenStack and Kubernetes, specializing in hardware aware acceleration. Sunku lives in Portland, Oregon and holds a Master of Science degree from Arizona State University.
Trevor Cooper (Strategic Planning Committee Rep)
Trevor is a Principal Engineer in Intel’s Network Platforms Group and has worked on new Networking/Telecom technologies for over 20 years, including SDN/NFV. Initially he established the OPNFV global lab infrastructure and helped create and lead the OPNFV Test Working Group. He also led VSPERF (NFVI data-plane performance) through two releases and helped develop the OPNFV Verified Program.